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RISC OS / Acorn Spares

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Items marked § are sold by 4D and have no VAT added.

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Spares: Pre RiscPCSpares: RiscPC/A7000
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Spares: Pre RiscPC
ProductEx VAT Price*Inc VAT Price*Add to Basket
2u2H Inductor for A3010/A3020 etc. Video (Axial, soldered to motherboard)§
Replacement 2.2uH video inductor/choke. The inductor is marked as L10 on a A3020 motherboard. Sympto...
A3020 fuse for Video (Axial, soldered to motherboard)
Replacement video fuse. The fuse is marked as FS4 on the motherboard. The fuse is soldered to mothe...
Archimedes/A5000 fuse for keyboard/mouse (Axial, soldered to motherboard) (Pack of 2)§
Pack of two replacement keyboard/mouse fuses. Symptoms of a blown fuse are: no lights on the keyboar...
image of ACO-A4FDAcorn A4 3.5" floppy Drive§
Replacement floppy drive for the Acorn A4 laptop. NB. The drive LED needs to be removed from your o...
image of ACO-A4LCDCBLSAcorn A4 internal LCD screen cables/leads (pair)§
A pack of two internal LCD screen cables that link the screen to the motherboard through the left ha...
image of ACO-A4LCDCBLS-SHAcorn A4 internal LCD screen cables/leads (pair) Second Hand§
A pack of two internal LCD screen cables that link the screen to the motherboard through the left ha...
image of ACO-A4LCDAcorn A4 LCD screen panel§
For the Acorn A4 laptop. New but old stock.
image of ACO-A4LCDBLAcorn A4 LCD back light§
For the Acorn A4 laptop. New but old stock.
Acorn A4 On/Off Switch§
For the Acorn A4 laptop. New but old stock.
image of ACO-A4GGAcorn A4 battery level display (Gas Gauge) with Cable/lead§
Small LCD panel that fits on the front left of the case to display the battery charge with 6 way cab...
image of ACO-A4DCDCAcorn A4 DC-DC converter§
For the Acorn A4 laptop. New but old stock.
image of ACO-A4FDEMCAcorn A4 Floppy Drive EMC Shield§
EMC Shield that fits on top of the floppy drive in the A4 case. New but old stock.
image of ACO-A4HDMBAcorn A4 Hard Drive mounting bracket§
Mounting bracket for the hard drive in an A4 case New but old stock.
image of ACO-A4KBDAcorn A4 Keyboard§
For the Acorn A4 laptop. New but old stock.
image of ACO-A4KCEMCAcorn A4 Keyboard Cable/lead EMC Shield§
EMC Shield that fits in front of the keyboard cables in an A4 case (does not include plastic part) ...
image of ACO-A4KT-A-NAcorn A4 Keyboard Keytop/Keycap (New)§
One Acorn A4 Keyboard Keytop Space bar listed separately. Please email to check availability of you...
image of ACO-A4KT-AAcorn A4 Keyboard Keytop/Keycap (S/H)§
One Acorn A4 Keyboard Keytop S/H Space bar listed separately. Please email to check availability of...
Acorn A4 Keyboard Space Bar Keytop/Keycap (New)§
One Acorn A4 Keyboard Space bar Keytop. Please email to check availability of your required keytop.
Acorn A4 Laptop Slip Case/bag (S/H)§
Slip case for the Acorn A4 laptop. The size of the A4 i.e. no space for mouse or PSU.
image of ACO-A4LCAcorn A4 Lid clips (pair)§
Two clips which hold the lid closed to the case. New but old stock.
Acorn A4 Loudspeaker§
Replacement loudspeaker to fit in an A4 case. With cable and connector for motherboard. 20mm diamete...
image of ACO-A4PCCAcorn A4 Power Connector cable/lead§
6 way cable from the battery connector to the motherboard and power switch New but old stock.
image of ACO-A4PSUAcorn A4 PSU/Charger§
Power supply/power adaptor (Mains charger) for the Acorn A4 laptop Acorn part number: 0192,012 rev ...
image of ACO-A4RCFAcorn A4 Rear case flap/cover§
Flap cover for rear of A4 case New but old stock.
image of ACO-A4RCSAcorn A4 Rear case section§
Rear case section, with cutouts for parallel port etc. New but old stock.
image of ACO-A4CTHAcorn A4 Rear Case top and hinge unit§
Rear case top and hinge unit. Does not include hinges or econet interface cover. New but old stock.
image of ACO-A4INSAcorn A4 Screen PCB Insulator Strip§
Insulation strip for the main PCB in the screen/lid of of an A4 New but old stock.
Archimedes Floppy Drive mounting bracket (S/H)§
Mounting bracket for a floppy drive in an Archimedes case
Archimedes Hard Drive mounting bracket (New)§
Mounting bracket for a 3.5" hard drive in an Archimedes case New but old stock.
Archimedes Hard Drive mounting bracket (S/H)§
Mounting bracket for a 3.5" hard drive in an Archimedes case
Fold out foot for RiscPC Keyboard§
Fold out foot used to lift up the back of a RiscPC keyboard. Sold singly for those people who only ...
Acorn A4 CMOS battery replacement kit (NiMH)§
The A4 was fitted in the factory with a surface mount battery no suitable surface mount battery is a...
Acorn A4 CMOS battery replacement ready wired (NiMH)§
The A4 was fitted in the factory with a surface mount battery no suitable surface mount battery is a...
Acorn A4 repacked battery pack (exchange) (NiMH)§
These batteries are repacked with 12 2000mAH (or greater) NiMH cells which are have at least 25% gre...
Set of NiMH Cells for Acorn A4 battery pack (self fit)§
Set of 12 NiMH cells (often erroneously called batteries) for Acorn A4 laptop. These 12 2000mAH (or ...
Acorn Loudspeaker for A3010 or A3020§
Replacement loudspeaker to fit in an A3010 or A3020. 66mm Diameter. With cable and connector for mot...
Acorn Loudspeaker for A4000 (New)§
Replacement loudspeaker to fit in an A4000. 66mm Diameter. With cable and connector for motherboard....
Acorn Loudspeaker for A5000 (New)§
Replacement loudspeaker to fit in an A5000. 66mm Diameter. With cable and connector for motherboard....
Acorn Loudspeaker for Acorn Archimedes Computers (S/H)§
Replacement loudspeaker to fit in an Acorn Archimedes. A310, A440, A410/1, A420/1, A440/1 & A540 50m...
3.5" 1.6MB Floppy Drive for A5000, A4000 etc. (S/H)§
n.b. The drive will have a grey fascia as the surrounding A4000/A5000 front.
3.5" 1.6MB Floppy Drive for A5000, A4000 etc. Black Fascia (Facia)§
n.b. Standard PC floppy drives cannot be used in the A5000 or A4000 without modification. These are ...
3.5" 800K Floppy Drive for A3000, A410, A420, A440/1 (S/H)§
Floppy Drive eject button for A3010/A3020, Cream/Grey (New)§
The A3010 originally had a green eject button, but these are no longer available. Limited quantity l...
Internal floppy drive cable/lead for A3000 (S/H)§
34way internal cable for an A3000.
Internal floppy drive cable/lead for A3010 or A3020 (S/H)§
34way internal cable for an A3010 or A3020.
Internal floppy drive cable/lead for A4000 (S/H)§
34way internal cable for an A4000.
Internal floppy drive cable/lead for A5000 (S/H)§
34way internal cable for an A5000.
Reset Switch for A3000, A3010 & A3020§
Replacement reset switch for the A3000, A3010 and A3020. Requires soldering.
image of CJE-RTCMPOD-HHire of Replacement Clock (RTC) & CMOS RAM module for A3000, A30x0 & A4000 etc. (Mini Podule version)§
A replacement clock module for the A3000, A4000 & A30x0. More details . As computers that appear to...
image of CJE-RTCMPODReplacement Clock (RTC) & CMOS RAM module for A3000, A30x0 & A4000 etc. (Mini Podule version)§
A replacement clock module for the A3000, A4000 & A30x0. More details .
image of CJE-RTCMPOD-RBReplacement Clock (RTC) & CMOS RAM module for A3000, A30x0 & A4000 etc. (Mini Podule version with remote battery)§
A replacement clock module for the A3000, A4000 & A30x0. More details . Option with a remotely held...
image of VAR-BATPCBHA3000 CMOS battery (Horizontal mounting, solder fit)§
This is a replacement battery to power the computers Clock & CMOS memory it is suitable for the A300...
image of VAR-BATPCBVA30x0, A5000 & RiscPC etc. CMOS battery (Vertical mounting, solder fit)§
This is a replacement Battery suitable for the A3010, A3020, A4000, A5000, RiscPC and A7000/+ The ba...
ID chip for A5000, A3020, RiscPC etc.§
Unique ID chip for A5000, A3010, A3020, A4000, A7000 & RiscPC. The ID chips we supply are within th...
image of VAR-8583PPCF8583P A3x0, A4x0, A540, A3000 etc. CMOS RAM and Clock chip§
DIL i.e. soldered in, pins through holes PCF8583P For A305, A310, A440, A410/1, A420/1, A440/1, A300...
A3000 PSU (S/H)§
Power supply for Acorn A3000, taken from a working system.
image of ACO-A3KPSUA3000 PSU New!§
Power supply for Acorn A3000
A310 PSU (Refurbished)§
Power supply/power adaptor for Acorn A305 & A310 (refurbished)
A4000 Keyboard Cable/lead§
A4000 Keyboard Cable. PS/2 Plug to bare wires New but old stock.
image of ACO-4KPSUA4000 PSU (New)§
Power supply/power adaptor for Acorn A4000. Acorn Part Number 0194,610 or 0194,614 Second hand powe...
image of ACO-4KPSUSHA4000 PSU (Refurbished) (S/H)§
Second hand power supply/power adaptor for Acorn A4000 (refurbished) Acorn Part Number 0194,610 or 0...
A4000/A5000 Power On/Off plastic button NEW§
Grey rectangular plastic On/Off button for Acorn A4000 New but old stock.
A410/A420/A440 PSU (Refurbished)§
Power supply/power adaptor for Acorn A440, A410/1, A420/1 & A440/1 (refurbished)
A5000 Keyboard Cable/lead§
A5000 Keyboard Cable. PS/2 Plug to bare wires New but old stock.
image of ACO-A3K-KT-AAcorn A3000, A3010, A3020 and some Master Keyboard Keytop/Keycap (S/H)§
One Keytop for Acorn A3000, A3010, A3020 and some Master Keyboards which use a membrane. Spring incl...
Acorn A3000, A3010, A3020 and some Master Keyboard Space bar Keytop/Keycap (S/H)§
One Space bar Keytop for Acorn A3000, A3010, A3020 and some Master Keyboards which use a membrane.
image of ACO-A3010-FNKT-AAcorn A3010 Green Function Key Keyboard Keytop/Keycap (S/H)§
One Acorn A3010 Green Function Key Keytop S/H Please email to check availability of your required k...
image of ACO-A3010-FNKT-AX12Acorn A3010 Green Function Key Keyboard set of 12 Keytops/Keycaps (S/H)§
Acorn A3010 Green Function Key Keytops F1-F12 S/H Please email to check availability. Now very rar...
image of ACO-A4K-KT-AAcorn A4000 Keyboard Keytop/Keycap (S/H)§
One Acorn A4000 Keyboard Keytop S/H Space bar listed separately. Please email to check availability...
Acorn A4000 Keyboard Space Bar Keytop/Keycap (S/H)§
One Acorn A4000 Keyboard Space Bar Keytop S/H
Acorn Archimedes Keyboard Cable/lead§
Archimedes Keyboard Cable. For A310, A440, A410/1, A420/1, A440/1 & A540 PS/2 Plug to bare wires N...
image of ACO-ARC-KT-A-1Acorn Archimedes Keyboard Keytop/Keycap Type 1 (S/H)§
One Acorn Archimedes Keyboard Keytop (S/H) for the earlier version keyboard that did had a tilting f...
image of ACO-ARC-KT-AAcorn Archimedes Keyboard Keytop/Keycap Type 2 (S/H)§
One Acorn Archimedes Keyboard Keytop (S/H) for the later version that did not have a tilting functio...
Acorn Archimedes Keyboard round push in feet (set of three)§
Three Acorn original Archimedes Keyboard round push in feet.
Acorn Archimedes Keyboard Space Bar Keytop/Keycap Type 1 (S/H)§
One Acorn Archimedes Keyboard Space bar Keytop (S/H) for the earlier version keyboard that did had a...
Acorn Archimedes Keyboard Space Bar Keytop/Keycap Type 2 (S/H)§
One Acorn Archimedes Keyboard Space Bar Keytop (S/H) for the later version that did not have a tilti...
image of VAR-KBC-A3-KITKeyboard connectors (pair) / repair kit for damaged Acorn A3000/A3010/A3020 Keyboards
If the conductive coating on the end of the keyboard's FFC (Flexible Flat Cable) is damaged this kit...
image of VAR-KBCNKTRA3K-4x13PCB Keyboard sockets/connectors (pair) for Acorn A3000/A3010/A3020§
Four 13way connectors are supplied which will need to be cut down to 10way each. Supplied uncut to k...
image of VAR-KBCNKTRA3K-RAPCB Keyboard sockets/connectors (pair) for Acorn A3000/A3010/A3020 (Right angle)§
Due to the non-availability of 20way vertical connectors, two 20way horizontal connectors are suppli...
A5000 PSU (Refurbished)§
Power supply unit/power adaptor for Acorn A5000
ST506 hard drive cable/lead set for motherboard interface (S/H)§
Pair of ribbon cables for connecting old ST506 hard drives to Archimedes motherboard. Approx. 75mm l...
ST506 hard drive cable/lead set for podule interface (S/H)§
Pair of ribbon cables for connecting old ST506 hard drives to Podule interface. Approx. ?cm long
100nF Capacitor PME271M, 275Vac class X2 (For A540 PSU)§
Capacitor as used in an Acorn A540 PSU
Archimedes A300/A400/A500 series PSU Refurbishing Capacitor Kit§
Capacitor kit for Archimedes A300/A400/A500 Series power supply/power adaptor Two X2 filter capacito...
Archimedes A3000 PSU Refurbishing Capacitor Kit§
Capacitor kit for Archimedes A3000 power supply/power adaptor Two X2 0.1uF filter capacitors. Most A...
Empty Acorn A3000 Case (S/H)§
Plastic case (Top and Bottom), includes mains lead. NO Motherboard, PSU, drives, keyboard, mouse or ...
Empty Acorn A4000 Case (S/H)§
Metal case (Top and Bottom) with front Fascia and LED cable assembly. NO Motherboard, PSU, drives, k...
Empty Acorn A5000 Case (S/H)§
Metal case (Top and Bottom) with front Fascia and LED cable assembly. NO Motherboard, PSU, drives, k...
Empty Acorn Archimedes A300 (A305/A310) series Case (S/H)§
Metal case (Top and Bottom) with front Fascia, rear panel and LED cable assembly. NO Motherboard, PS...
Empty Acorn Archimedes A400 series (A410/1, A420/1 or A440/1) Case (S/H)§
Metal case (Top and Bottom) with front Fascia, rear panel and LED cable assembly. NO Motherboard, PS...
Empty Acorn Archimedes A440 Case (S/H)§
Metal case (Top and Bottom) with front Fascia, rear panel and LED cable assembly. NO Motherboard, PS...
Front Fascia for Acorn A4000 (S/H) No security markings§
Second Hand with signs of wear and no obvious security markings.
Front Fascia for Acorn A5000 (S/H) No security markings§
Second Hand with signs of wear but no obvious security markings.
Front Fascia for Acorn Archimedes A300 series Case (S/H)§
Cream Front Fascia including the grey slanting bezel that screws onto it. Second Hand with significa...
Front Fascia for Acorn Archimedes A400/1 series Case (S/H)§
Cream Front Fascia including the grey slanting bezel that screws onto it. Second Hand wlth significa...
Grey Front bezel for Acorn Archimedes A300/A400 series Case (S/H)§
Grey slanting bezel that screws onto the cream front Fascia. Second Hand wlth fading, signs of wear ...
Grey Front bezel for Acorn Archimedes A400/1 series Case (S/H)§
Grey slanting bezel that screws onto the cream front Fascia. Second Hand with fading, signs of wear ...
Mini Podule blanking plate/plastic cover plate, cream for A3020 (S/H)§
Slot in cream plastic cover plate for MiniPodule slot (A3020) Very low stocks now. Please check for...
Mini Podule blanking plate/plastic cover plate, grey for A3010 (S/H)§
Slot in grey plastic cover plate for MiniPodule slot (A3010) Low stocks. Please check for availabil...
Mini Podule metal blanking plate/cover (A3000 & A4000) (S/H)§
Metal blanking plate for MiniPodule slot for A3000 & A4000 Low stocks! Please check for availabilit...
image of VAR-PODBPA3000-HMini Podule metal blanking plate/cover (A3000 & A4000) New with holes & screws§
Cream painted metal blanking plate for MiniPodule slot for A3000 & A4000. Has cutouts for an externa...
Mini Podule metal blanking plate/cover (A3010 & A3020) (S/H)§
Slot in metal blanking plate for MiniPodule slot for A3010 & A3020
A3000 External Podule Fixing Screws (Set of 2)§
Set of two fixing screws for joining an external podule housing to the back of the A3000
Podule blanking plate/cover (pre RiscPC) Double/Full Width (S/H)§
Double Width cover for Podule slot (pre RiscPC)
Podule blanking plate/cover (pre RiscPC) Single/Half Width (S/H)§
Single width cover for Podule slot (pre RiscPC)
Podule blanking plate/cover (pre RiscPC) Single/Half Width with T Piece and screws(S/H)§
Single width cover for Podule slot (pre RiscPC) with T piece and 2 screws
image of VAR-PODTPSingle/Half-width Podule joining T-piece with 2 screws (S/H)§
T-piece to join two half-width podules to ft a single-width podule slot. Includes two fixing screws....

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Spares: RiscPC/A7000
ProductEx VAT Price*Inc VAT Price*Add to Basket
1.6MB 3.5" Floppy Drive for Iyonix Black Fascia
Suitable as a replacement for the factory fitted floppy drive.
1.6MB 3.5" Floppy Drive for Iyonix Cream Fascia (S/H)
Suitable as a replacement for the factory fitted floppy drive. Second hand. Rare please check for ...
1.6MB 3.5" Floppy Drive for RiscPC/A7000/A7000+ (S/H) Acorn Colour§
This drive has been specially modified for use in RiscPC, A7000, A7000+, A5000 or A4000 To use with ...
1.6MB 3.5" Floppy Drive for RiscPC/A7000/A7000+ Black Facia§
This drive has been specially modified for use in RiscPC, A7000, A7000+, A5000 or A4000 To use with ...
1.6MB 3.5" Floppy Drive for RiscStation R7500
To use with cross formatted discs i.e. If using an HD disc (1.6MB) formatted to 800K you must cover ...
ATA100 (UDMA) IDE Cable/lead (for two IDE devices)
IDE Cable/lead for 3.5" Hard Drive & CD in RiscPC/A7000
IDE Cable for two devices e.g.Hard Drive & CD. 3 Connectors.
IDE Cable/lead for Hard Drive or CD (only 2 Connectors) (9")
IDE Cable for one device e.g.Hard Drive or CD (only 2 Connectors) 9"
RiscPC Floppy Drive cable/lead (New)
A ribbon cable to go from the RiscPC motherboard to the floppy drive in the first slice.
RiscPC Floppy Drive cable/lead (S/H)§
A ribbon cable to go from the RiscPC motherboard to the floppy drive in the first slice.
Round ATA100 IDE Drive cable/lead (620mm)
This round cable allow greater air flow throughout your system than with traditional flat cables, so...
Round ATA100 IDE Drive cable/lead (800mm)
This round cable allow greater air flow throughout your system than with traditional flat cables, so...
image of ACO-A7000MB-NWA7000 Motherboard Non-Working (S/H)§
Non working motherboard for the A7000 Acorn Part no. 1102,000 or 1102,005 RISC OS ROMS not include...
image of CJE-RTCPOD-HHire of Replacement Clock (RTC) & CMOS RAM module for A5000 & RiscPC etc. (Podule version)§
A replacement clock module for the A5000, A7000 & RiscPC. More details . As computers that appear t...
image of CJE-RTCPODReplacement Clock (RTC) & CMOS RAM module for A5000 & RiscPC etc. (Podule version)§
A replacement clock module for the A5000, A7000 & RiscPC. More details . Suitable cutters to remove...
image of CJE-RTCPOD-RBReplacement Clock (RTC) & CMOS RAM module for A5000 & RiscPC etc. (Podule version with remote Battery)§
A replacement clock module for the A5000, A7000 & RiscPC. More details . Option with a remotely hel...
image of CJE-RTC-POSTReplacement Clock (RTC) & CMOS RAM module for Risc PC 'POST' mounting§
If the damage to the RTC circuitry precludes fitting a new set of surface mount components this repl...
image of CJE-RTCZMODReplacement Clock (RTC) & CMOS RAM module for ZIDEFS podule mounting§
A replacement clock module for plugging into a ZIDEFS IDE Podule or mini Podule on all Acorn RISC OS...
image of CJE-RTCPOD-2SLOTBPReplacement Clock (RTC) & CMOS RAM module for RiscPC (Mounted on a two slot backplane)§
A replacement clock module for the RiscPC. More details . This special version of the Clock module ...
image of CJE-RTCPOD-4SLOTBPReplacement Clock (RTC) & CMOS RAM module for RiscPC (Mounted on a four slot backplane)§
A replacement clock module for the RiscPC. More details . This special version of the Clock module ...
image of ACO-A7KPSUA7000/A7000+ PSU (New)§
Power supply unit for Acorn A7000 & A7000+ Acorn part no. 1102,010 Input 220-240V AC Outputs +5V 4....
image of ACO-A7KPSUSHA7000/A7000+ PSU (Refurbished) (S/H)§
Power supply unit for Acorn A7000 & A7000+ Acorn part no. 1102,010 Input 220-240V AC Outputs +5V 4....
RiscPC PSU 103W (Spares or repair) For case?§
Ideal for anyone wanting to make up a 'waitingforfriday' RiscPC PSU as this provides the case and ca...
RiscPC PSU 70W (Refurbished)§
P/N. 0197,110/T Rev 1 Input 220-240V AC +5.1V 7.9A +12V 2.05A -12V 0.25A Connectors: 1 x 6pin Mothe...
RiscPC PSU 70W (Refurbished) (Part exchange)§
P/N. 0197,110/T Rev 1 Input 220-240V AC +5.1V 7.9A +12V 2.05A -12V 0.25A Please send your 70W PSU t...
RiscPC PSU 70W (Spares or repair) For case?§
Ideal for anyone wanting to make up a 'waitingforfriday' RiscPC PSU as this provides the case and ca...
image of ACO-RPCMK1NWRiscPC Motherboard (Non working) Mk1§
Mk 1 motherboards are Part No. 0197 000 Mk 2 motherboards are Part No. 0197 100 (minor functional di...
image of ACO-RPCMK2NWRiscPC Motherboard (Non working) Mk2§
Mk 1 motherboards are Part No. 0197 000 Mk 2 motherboards are Part No. 0197 100 (minor functional di...
image of ACO-RPCMK3NWRiscPC Motherboard (Non working) Mk3§
Mk 1 motherboards are Part No. 0197 000 Mk 2 motherboards are Part No. 0197 100 (minor functional di...
RiscPC PSU 103W Refurbished (exchange)§
P/N. 0197,010/T Rev 1 Input 220-240V AC 3A +5.1V 11A +12V 3.6A -12V 0.25A Connectors: 1 x 6pin Moth...
RiscPC PSU 103W Refurbished (exchange 70W)§
P/N. 0197,010/T Rev 1 Input 220-240V AC 3A +5.1V 11A +12V 3.3A -12V 0.25A Exchange units. We normal...
RiscPC PSU 103W (110V/240V) Refurbished (exchange)§
The 103W (110/240V) PSU is marked on the back surface above the IEC outlet: O-> O/P 110/240V~50-60Hz...
RiscPC PSU 150W (110V/240V) Refurbished§
The 150W (110-240V) PSU for Risc PC M/N HPC-150-101 AC Input: 110-240V +5V: 12A +12V: 4.8A -12V: 0...
RiscPC PSU 103W (Refurbished)§
P/N. 0197,010/T Rev 1 Input 220-240V AC 3A +5.1V 11A +12V 3.3A -12V 0.25A
RiscPC PSU 103W (110V/240V) Refurbished§
The 103W (110/240V) PSU is marked on the back surface above the IEC outlet: O-> O/P 110/240V~50-60Hz...
RiscPC PSU Fan (61 cubic metres/hour, 30dB) with plug fitted§
Supplied with the correct plug fitted to plug straight onto the pins inside the PSU. Caution should...
image of PAP-FAN12PC case/PSU Fan (33 cubic metres/hour, 12dB) no plug fitted§
Made by Papst with sleeve bearings for low noise operation. 8412NGL 12V 12dB (3 bels Sintec-Sleeve ...
image of PAP-RPCFAN12-PFRiscPC PSU Fan (33 cubic metres/hour, 12dB) with plug fitted§
Made by Papst with sleeve bearings for low noise operation. 8412NGL 12V 12dB (3 bels Sintec-Sleeve ...
RiscPC PSU Fan (45 cubic metres/hour, 19dB) with plug fitted
Made by Papst with sleeve bearings for low noise operation. Supplied with the correct crimp termina...
PSU Fan (58 cubic metres/hour, 26dB) no plug fitted
Made by Papst with sleeve bearings for low noise operation. Supplied with bare wires for soldering ...
RiscPC PSU Fan (58 cubic metres/hour, 26dB) with plug fitted
Made by Papst with sleeve bearings for low noise operation. Supplied with the correct crimp termina...
image of DEL-FAN12V80MMPC Case/PSU Fan (28 cubic metres/hour, 34dB)§
Made by Delta Electronics INC. AFB0812L 27.9 CFM (0.79 M3/minute) 12V 0.12A 34dB 80mm x 80mm x 25.4m...
RiscPC PSU Fan (69 cubic metres/hour, 32dB) with plug fitted
Made by Papst with sleeve bearings for low noise operation. Supplied with the correct crimp termina...
Iyonix HEC PSU Fan (54 cubic metres/hour, 27dB) (S/H)§
S/H HEC unit is believed to be 54 cubic metres/hour, 27dB Part no. S01138812M From a defunct HEC-2...
Iyonix HEC PSU Fan (58 cubic metres/hour, 26dB)§
Original HEC unit is believed to be 54 cubic metres/hour, 27dB This equivalent replacement is made b...
A7000/A7000+ PSU to motherboard power plug
Housing and six (plus two spare) crimp contacts. Note that although the A7000/A7000+ motherboard has...
image of VAR-RPCPSUPRiscPC PSU to motherboard power plug
Housing and six (plus two spare) crimp contacts. The following information is supplied without any ...
image of VAR-RPCPSUSRiscPC PSU to motherboard power socket (motherboard mounted)
Power socket, as soldered to RiscPC motherboard The following information is supplied without any w...
image of VAR-RPCFS1RiscPC/A7000 fuse for keyboard/mouse (Surface Mounted) (Pack of 2)
Pack of two replacement surface mount keyboard/mouse fuses. See image for the position of the fuse o...
image of VAR-RPCFS2RiscPC/A7000 fuse for video (Surface Mounted) (Pack of 2)
Pack of two replacement surface mount video fuses. See image for the position of the fuse on the mot...
RiscPC/A7000 Unique ID chip (Valid Acorn range)§
If your ID chip is lost, damaged or was provided in a Castle built RiscPC or A7000 then problems can...
image of VAR-32K-XCrystal for RTC in many Acorns inc. A440, RiscPC & A7000 etc.§
32.768kHz Crystal for RTC (real Time Clock) in most/all? Acorn RISC OS Computers including: A305, A3...
image of VAR-PCF8583TPCF8583T A3010, A3020, A4000, A5000, RiscPC & A7000 etc. CMOS RAM and Clock (RTC) chip§
Surface mount SMD 8 pin chip (PCF8583T) For A3010, A3020, A4000, A5000, A7000/A7000+ & RiscPC.
image of VAR-BATPCBVRPCRiscPC & A7000 CMOS battery (Vertical mounting, solder fit)§
This is a replacement battery to power the computers Clock & CMOS memory it is, suitable for the A30...
image of 4D-REMBATTAAACMOS Battery replacement 'remote' kit with user replaceable battery for A3000 to RiscPC§
A battery holder to allow an AAA rechargeable battery (supplied) to be used in place of the motherbo...
image of 4D-RCBATTRechargeable AAA CMOS battery§
A rechargeable AAA battery to go in a holder and keep CMOS memory while the computer is turned off.
image of VAR-CPUHSFAN486/586 CPU heatsink and fan (RiscPC PC Card etc.)§
Heatsink and fan to fit an Acorn or CJE RiscPC PC card model no ACA42 (486 SXL40), ACA52 (486 SXL40)...
A7000 / A7000+ power & hard drive LED set§
New power & hard drive activity LED set for the A7000 and A7000+ case.
Acorn Loudspeaker for A7000 & A7000+§
Replacement loudspeaker to fit in an Acorn A7000 or A7000+. 66mm Diameter. With cable and connector ...
image of ACO-RPC-KT-AAcorn RiscPC Keyboard Keytop/Keycap (S/H)§
One Acorn RiscPC Keyboard Keytop S/H Space bar listed separately. Please email to check availabilit...
Acorn RiscPC Keyboard Space Bar Keytop/Keycap (S/H)§
One Acorn RiscPC Keyboard Space Bar Keytop S/H
NIC blanking plate (RiscPC/A7000) (S/H)§
CDROM Drive blanking plate (A7000)§
Blanking/cover plate for the 5.25" CDROM drive slot on the A7000 and A7000+
Podule blanking plate/cover (RiscPC/A7000)§
Cover for Podule slot (RiscPC/A7000)
PCB support for Archimedes§
PCB support for Archimedes A305, A310, A440 etc Centre Post to support main PCB Low stocks. Please...
Podule fixing screws (x8)§
RiscPC/A7000 NIC fixing screws (x8)§
Set of five case fixing screws for Archimedes§
Set of 5 case fixing screws for Archimedes A305, A310, A440 etc One either side and three along bac...
Set of six case fixing screws for A5000/A4000§
Set of six case fixing screws for Acorn A5000 or A4000 A5000 uses six screws, the A4000 four screws...
Set of three case fixing screws for A3010/A30200§
Set of three case fixing screws for Acorn A3010 or A3020 The three screws along the front underneat...
RiscPC curved fascia to right of 3.5" bay§
Bottom slices have an Acorn logo printed on this. These, however, are blank as used on second slices...
RiscPC curved fascia to right of 3.5" bay (S/H)§
Fits above a RiscPCs Power and Activity LED and to the right of the curved pull up door. Approx. 55x...
RiscPC curved fascia to right of 3.5" bay with Acorn logo (S/H)§
With the Acorn logo printed on it. Fits above a RiscPCs Power and Activity LED and to the right of t...
image of VAR-RPCSPRNGRiscPC Door spring with screw§
To fit, drill a pilot hole in the plastic. See the photo.
RiscPC Floppy Drive fixing strap/bracket (Clip in)§
Fixing strap to retain the floppy drive in the base slice of a RiscPC.
RiscPC Hard Drive fixing strap/bracket (Clip in)§
Fixing strap to retain the hard drive in the base slice of a RiscPC. Note there were two types avail...
RiscPC Hard Drive fixing strap/bracket (Screw In)§
Fixing strap to retain the hard drive in the base slice of a RiscPC. Note there were two types avail...
RiscPC Left Hinge Clip§
This is the small piece of plastic that secures the sliding door. It is located on the left of the 5...
RiscPC Power On/Off button (S/H)§
Low stocks. Please check for availability.
RiscPC PSU switch (replacement)
Replacement involves opening up the Power Supply Unit, caution is advised! Requires soldering.
RiscPC Slice hinged Door/Flap. 'Risc PC' printed on door§
No hinges are included. 'Risc PC' printed on door.
RiscPC Slice hinged Door/Flap. 'Risc PC600' printed on door§
No hinges are included. 'Risc PC600' printed on door.
RiscPC Slice hinged Door/Flap. Plain§
No hinges are included. No printing on door.
RiscPC Case lid (S/H)§
Lid is second user but does not have permanent security markings.
RiscPC Case, bottom tray/base (S/H)§
RiscPC Case Base unit complete with: HD Drive bracket POWER/HD LED and cables. Speaker & Cables
RiscPC Case complete (S/H)§
RiscPC Case Base unit complete with: Base moulding Lower slice (may have 5.25" fascia cut out for C...
RiscPC Case with refurbished 70W PSU (S/H)§
RiscPC Case Base unit complete with: Base moulding Lower slice (may have 5.25" fascia cut out for C...
RiscPC Case with 103W PSU (S/H)§

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* - VAT at 20% where applicable. All CJE prices include VAT.
Items marked § are sold by 4D and have no VAT. Books also have no VAT added.
Orders of less than £20 will incur a £3 admin charge.
Items on special offer are while stocks last and may be time limited.
Items marked S/H are secondhand and have a 3 month warranty
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This page last updated Friday, 21-Feb-2025 16:13:19 GMT