- Product Title: Freddy Teddy, The Playground
- Manufacturer/Publisher: Topologika
- Stock Code: TOP-PLAY
- QuickCode: 15148
- Format: Acorn 3.5
- Product Group: Educational Software: Primary
- Condition: New
- Availability: Usually available from stock
- Description:
The Playground is the third in the popular Freddy Teddy series. Freddy goes to the playground in the park, where he likes to go on the climbing frame, the swing, roundabout, slide and the see-saw. Using the mouse or the keyboard (or a Concept Keyboard) children must put together the correct sequence of activities by clicking on icons representing commands such as 'on' (e.g. get on slide), 'off' (slide down), etc. Freddy can be controlled in 'real time' (click on icons to make him do things immediately) or in procedure mode (store the commands). Screens can be printed, either as block colour or as outlines. Specially written to develop concepts of number, sequence and spatial awareness, The Playground includes sampled speech (the counting numbers) and develops pre-TinyLogo skills: comparison, visual discrimination, language such as up, down, left, right, how many? Contents: The Playground Disc (inc. built-in Concept Keyboard support) manual, cut-and-stick activity sheets, Concept Keyboard overlays.
- Special Offer Price: £10.00 Inc. UK VAT at 20% (where applicable)
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