- Product Title: Adventure Playground (age 5-8)
- Manufacturer/Publisher: Storm
- Stock Code: STO-ADVEN
- QuickCode: 15082
- Format: Acorn 3.5
- Product Group: Educational Software: Primary
- Condition: New
- Availability: Usually available from stock
- Description:
Adventure Playground contains two explorations for children aged 6-10 years that will develop a number of educational abilities, including reading, planning, decision making, logical thinking, memory and strategy. The Queen of Hearts is a children's first adventure program in which they must find the Queen's tarts and return them to the palace. The tarts may be hidden in a number of different places, including The Bear's House or A Giant Boot, and there are a number of obstacles that could get in the way! The Crooked Adventure is a series of four games that follow the traditional nursery rhyme. You must find keys, and get the crooked man, with his crooked cat and mouse to the crooked house. Adventure Playground may also be used with the Concept Keyboard. Can be used on a network.
- Price: £24.00 Inc. UK VAT at 20% (where applicable)
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