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Graph IT (age 8-16+)

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Product Title: Graph IT (age 8-16+)
Manufacturer/Publisher: Sherston Software
Stock Code: SHE-GRIT
QuickCode: 15166
Format: Acorn 3.5
Product Group: Educational Software: Primary
Condition: New
Availability: Usually available from stock

A graph drawing package especially for schools, Graph_IT has been designed to meet every school's need, to be able to produce professional looking graphs quickly, accurately and easily without having to master a complicated spread sheet or database package. Graph_IT is very simple to use and can produce bar charts, pie charts, line graphs and scatter graphs, and flip between them at the touch of a button. Where appropriate, the graphs can be displayed in three dimensions for a really professional appearance. Labels are simply added, edited and placed manually and can be displayed in any of the available fonts. (The program is supplied with three fonts Junior, Montclair and Tabloid which makes it excellent value for money!) All graphs produced with the package can either be saved as Graph_IT files or !Draw files. This means that they can be used in any other application such as Pendown, Poster, Hilighter, Recall, etc. They can also be edited in !Draw. Can be used on a network

Price: £25.00 Inc. UK VAT at 20% (where applicable)
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Last updated: Fri, 14 Feb 2025