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Aztecs (age 7-11)

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Product Title: Aztecs (age 7-11)
Manufacturer/Publisher: Sherston Software
Stock Code: SHE-AZTEC
QuickCode: 15098
Format: Acorn 3.5
Product Group: Educational Software: Primary
Condition: New
Availability: Usually available from stock

Aztecs is an adventure set in Tenochtitlan, the centre of the Aztec empire. The year is 1519 when the power of emperor Montezuma II was at its height just before Hernan Cortes and his Spaniards landed and destroyed the Aztec empire. The children, who have been accidentally catapulted back in time during a helicopter trip through the mysterious Bermuda Triangle with their eccentric uncle Angus, are soon immersed in the world of the Aztecs as they try to prove an innocent man did not steal Montezuma's precious turquoise mask. During the adventure they have to learn as much as they can about the Aztec people and their way of life if they are to survive. Luckily their uncle's computer/jet pack has a data bank which is second to none and is an invaluable source of information!

Price: £50.00 Inc. UK VAT at 20% (where applicable)
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Last updated: Fri, 07 Feb 2025